Lost Yahoo provider
Author: sakhanovv
Creation Date: 1/7/2014 10:54 AM
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The program lost driver data Yahoo. How to restore this driver
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If you have uninstalled the Yahoo! provider, you could either repair your Wealth-Lab installation (Control Panel) or simply re-install it from the website: Yahoo! Finance Static, Real-Time and Fundamental

If you have both 32-bit and 64-bit Wealth-Lab versions installed, and recently have upgraded the Yahoo! provider, please see if this applies:

FAQ > Extension installed in Wealth-Lab Developer doesn't show up after restarting application.

Otherwise you need to clarify what does that mean.
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FYI... my yahoo data provider doesn't work either. I get the following error:
Yahoo! Finance Static, Real-Time and Fundamental
Install File: WealthLab.DataProviders.Yahoo.dll
Failed: Access to the path 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\FIDELITY INVESTMENTS\WEALTH-LAB PRO 6\WealthLab.DataProviders.Yahoo.dll' is denied.

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This is a known bug that is not connected to OP's problem (who is a WLD user and therefore is not affected by this WLP glitch):

(146449) "Failed: Access to the path is denied" error during update of an extension. Applies to Wealth-Lab Pro 6.6
Errors installing/updating Extensions
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