Market Action chart on home page
Author: Sammy_G
Creation Date: 6/2/2010 8:55 AM
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Does anyone have the code for this? I would like to re-create it on my desktop using WLPro v5.6.
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You can translate it from Version 4 code: Plotting Market Action
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Translated using Dr. Koch's WL Translator; here's the result:
Please log in to see this code.

I thought everything went well. But when I open it in WLPro 5.6 and hit the Compile button, I get a bunch of errors; how to fix them? [Hope nobody will say ask the developer as Dr. Koch doesn't frequent these forums any more.]
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Wow, the translator really botched that one.
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To fix compiler errors, you might want to look their meaning in MSDN (or Google them).
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Well, one error is:
error CS0165 @ (39,37) : Use of unassigned local variable 'cnt'

Which is odd b/c the integer 'cnt' is defined just 3 lines above.
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It is defined, but not assigned (properly):
Please log in to see this code.

Should be:
Please log in to see this code.
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I see, thanks.

You think you or Cone can fix the Translator and release it as an updated version?
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No, we have nothing to do with the Translator or its support. Whenever I say "translate", I mean to do it yourself in pure C#.

If I had any time to spend on this, I would put my efforts there instead of dealing with WSTL.
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