Market Sentiment DataSet
Author: awardsigns
Creation Date: 12/22/2008 8:27 AM
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In Data sets there is one called market sentiment. When you click on them they have charts and descriptions. I haves not heard of these before. Are they something that you can trade? When i did try wealth lab came back with an error message that the symbol was not found.
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They're market sentiment indicators and are described in the WealthScript Programming Guide, Fundamental Analysis > Market Sentiment Data
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Thanks, Found the info.
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jb4WL asked in a duplicate thread:

Hello Wealth Lab community,

I am newbie here so please bear with my question. I was taking look at the market sentiment data. Does anyone knows how its being traded? I do not find any ticket symbols namely .MB_UNC.A etc etc in the fidelity or any finance website. Please advise

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Welcome to the forums Jayesh.

As you can see, there exists an answer to your very question that can easily be found by typing in something like "sentiment" in forum search field. It does search as you type.

To expand a bit on Cone's answer, these are synthetic symbols and for this reason can not be traded. .MB_UNC.A sounds like "AMEX Unchanged issues" if I'm not mistaken. If you look at the Index-Lab chapter in the User Guide, you'll learn how to create your own market sentiment indices.
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Thanks a lot. Appreciate it.
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