Missing ASCII provider after WLP 6.5 upgrade
Author: sf631
Creation Date: 6/13/2013 12:24 PM
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I have just upgraded to 6.5 WLP from 6.4.x and I can no longer find a couple of ASCII datasets that I was using to connect in some important data to my strategy.

Is this an expected regression/loss of functionality? If so, what's the reason? Can I downgrade now that I'm on 6.5 and still get my old ASCII datasets back?
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We're looking into the problem. Please try installing the ASCII provider from the Extension Finder and restarting WLP.
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There are two versions of the ASCII Provider (and two versions of the MSN Provider). The difference is that Wealth-Lab Pro gets the version without the Market Manager support. If you upgrade these provider extensions from Wealth-Lab.com, you'll get the MM support. These upgrades are not "Fidelity Supported" extensions, and you have to click "Other Extensions" in Wealth-Lab Pro to see them.

Long story short, if you're a WL Pro customers and you don't need Market Manager support, don't upgrade. The versions are equivalent excluding MM support. If you do need it, then there's really no other choice than to upgrade the provider(s) again after a new WL Pro installation.
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(re) installing the extension worked fine - thanks guys. I'm not sure if I got the version with Market Manager support, but pretty sure I don't need it to do what I'm doing
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Long story short, if you're a WL Pro customers and you don't need Market Manager support, don't upgrade.

But if WLP users don't upgrade, they lose Named DataSeries and support for Hmm/Hmmss formats. So, upgrading is recommended.
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