Eugene, change System A to RSI<1 (a near impossible event)and System B still never works. Code above has < 5% exposure when run on SP-500 for last 10 yrs.
Cone, my goal is to come up with a solution where multiple systems are applied to keep me fully invested. And systems are given priority based on their profitability when backtested independently. Not necessarily the two systems above. Once I have a working solution, then we could plug any two systems in place of System A & System B above
My solution above is broken. You mentioned it is possible to enable different trading systems via Pos-Sizer using Position.Priority or signalName. Can you point me to Pos-Sizer that does this or Wiki that explains how.
Would be easier if I could get code above to work(i.e. System B to kick in, when System A does not produce enough trades to keep me fully invested.
When System A above has
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removed, then System B works. But System A loses important Priority.
Eugene, our two postings crossed. Will try your solution below now.