No Alerts?
Author: markiemark302
Creation Date: 2/20/2013 5:47 AM
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I'm ready to deploy my strategy, but am struggling with the alerts. The strategy works on 1 minute bars, and by the nature of it, I will have plenty of time to enter the orders manually. However, I don't hear any sounds once an order should be placed. I've checked preferences, the sound is enabled. If I check 'on arrival of a new bar' it does make some noise every minute. Just never for alerts.

Also, the alerts window is never filled with any alert. Still, when running the strategy with real-time data it does add new trades every now and then. I've also tried using the strategy monitor, but still no alerts.

Are alerts not supported with real-time data, or am I doing something wrong?

This is with wealthlab-developer 6.4. I saw a similar thread about no alerts being generated but with no solution.

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First and foremost, see this FAQ:

Alerts are not triggered.

I bet it's a simple issue - most likely #1, #2 or maybe #3 from the list.

a similar thread about no alerts being generated but with no solution.

Since topic starter did not provide any details, the result was predictable.
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Thanks Eugene, #2 applies, I'll try again.

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Check out the WealthScript Programming Guide: Programming Trading Strategies > Alerts > How to: Alert for AtClose Signals
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