On WL Home page, how to delete "Recently Viewed Strategies"?
Author: algoapi
Creation Date: 7/24/2009 3:33 PM
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I called WL technical support and they couldn't figure out how to do this. They suggest me to post the question here...Thanks!
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Close WLP, go to your user \Data folder (see User Guide >> Data topic, bottom of page), and delete StrategyMRU.txt.

Why in the world is it necessary for you to do this?
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Thanks Cone. The only reason is that sometimes I tested some old or sample strategies and no longer need to use them any more, but these strategies continue to be listed there. I would like to keep a clean list of usable strategies to be tested later.
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Any way to get a longer list of recently used strategies on the HOME screen?

I think it shows 10; any way to have it show 20? Thanks.

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No, it's automatically reset to 10.
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