Open position at a specific price
Author: InsiderHSE
Creation Date: 3/29/2012 7:38 AM
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Is it possible to force WL to open position at a specific price, no matter what OHLC are?
I just have a list of transactions (time, direction, price, volume) and want WL to plot these transactions and calculate P&L.
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Why hesitate to evaluate Wealth-Lab Developer 6, Alexander? It's free as in beer. Click "Products" > "Download" and select appropriate edition.

And if you like the software and at some point consider to become a customer, the following solutions for importing historical transactions (included in Community Components) will be available to you:

Import real (historical) trades
Import historical trades from Quicken reports (QuickenFile)
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I just wanted to answer, yes, you can open a positions at a specific price provided that the price exists within the bar on which the trade occurs.
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I also wanted to answer, but had to express myself in Aesopian language because... ;)
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