Parabolic condition in Rules
Author: gavidar
Creation Date: 5/14/2012 1:36 PM
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Does anyone know how I can create a trade entry condition of price is greater than parabolic indicator? I have no sucsee with the "price is > or < above/below indicator"
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Tell us precisely what you did when you had no success with the condition(s) (i.e. how did you set up the rule), and we'll try to tell what went wrong.
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I added Price is >X% below indicator

indicator = parabolic
percent = 0%

I'd like to condition to be that the price is the parabolic indicator
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I already understood that, and was asking for more details. You will get a signal this way, so in my book everything is OK.

Can you describe what the problem is? On which symbol, time frame, at which date? What's wrong, in your opinion.
Give us more details, and don't hesitate to be verbose.
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