Parameters in Rule-based Strategies froze and I could not edit them
Author: yjshaham1
Creation Date: 11/25/2013 4:55 PM
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I tried to optimize the tutorial strategy example but the at some point the values froze and I could not edit them. Why? How can I unfreeze them? I did not code them.

Also it appears that there is no Save option/button before a new strategy is run. Did I miss it?

Can you point me to (example) free strategies that show more profit than B&H?
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Welcome to the forums Yifal.

Can you point me to (example) free strategies that show more profit than B&H?

It seems quite funny to me that you ask technical support to do a research for free strategies that are likely to bring you profit by trading them. :)

Unfortunately, the answer is not readily available. Naturally, one would expect it at his fingertips in the form of Strategy Ranking tool (Tools menu). As expained in the User Guide (Reference > Dialogs > Strategy Explorer), it's possible to download all currently available public strategies. Having done that, it should be a matter of minutes to add chosen strategies to the Strategy Ranking window (Tools menu) and click Begin to have the tool evaluate performance of all selected strategies according to the set of metrics in chosen Scorecard. Surprisingly, here comes a show-stopper: none of the installed Scorecards have the B&H figure!

I believe since it's quite interesting to evaluate a number of strategies w.r.t. B&H, I'll add B&H profit to MS123 Scorecard in the upcoming release of the library. When it's out in early December, update the library and you'll be able to find strategies outperforming B&H with ease.

Also it appears that there is no Save option/button before a new strategy is run. Did I miss it?

No, "Save" and "Save as" are there on the toolbar. They're missing if a strategy window is out of context like when you're viewing a chart or having another non-strategy window in focus etc.

I tried to optimize the tutorial strategy example but the at some point the values froze and I could not edit them. Why? How can I unfreeze them? I did not code them.

Parameters in Rule-based Strategies, if you mean this, can not be edited in "Optimization Control" -- that option is possible for code-based strategies.
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Thank you for your answers. I was not asking for a strategy with real winning potential, just for an (minimally winning) example that this program is useful. That was easily seen in version 4 with the script ranking tool. I think an example should be part of the program.

I suggest that optimization control should be available even before coding.

In the Wealth Signals strategies I saw somewhere about having 2 weeks free for a trial, but I don't see that explicitly offered with each strategy.

In the strategies performance statistics I suggest that a date is needed for the results since inception. The date is given in the details, but is would make it much easier to see the start date in the summary.

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That was easily seen in version 4 with the script ranking tool.

The Strategy Ranking tool is the old tool's successor, expandable with custom built performance metrics.

I suggest that optimization control should be available even before coding.

Give it a little more thought: there's nothing to optimize at this point.

In the Wealth Signals strategies I saw somewhere about having 2 weeks free for a trial, but I don't see that explicitly offered with each strategy.

Quoting from WealthSignals Legal Disclosures and Policies:

...All Trading Systems have a mandatory Trial period and subscribers will not be billed until the end of the Trial period.
All Trading Systems have a mandatory trial period from 7 to 30 days which is set at the Author's discretion. Exception: Currently only 30-day trial periods are available. ...
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Thank you.
Much obliged!
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