Performance Visualiser "By Period" has gone
Author: akardar1
Creation Date: 9/28/2013 4:50 PM
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I just activated my key on another PC, downloaded the performance visualiser extensions: "performance visualiser library" and "extra performance visualiser", and I cant seem to locate a visualiser that was on the previous PC called "BY PERIOD", which enabled one to choose daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly and see a histogram of performance. It was a nice overview.
Any ideas as to why I cant see this anymore?


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"By Period" is a built-in visualizer, it does not come with an extension. If it's really not listed (you could have simply overlooked it), you will also not find Equity, Trades, Performance, By Symbol, Profit Distribution, MAE/MFE, and By Strategy tabs as well.

The "delisting" of visualizer(s) can happen for three reasons:

1. WealthLab.Visualizers.dll is damaged or absent
2. Startup crash in the visualizer library
3. The visualizer library has the "Downloaded from the internet" file attribute checked

If #3 is true, all visualizers included in that particular library will disappear from Preferences > Visualizers. In case of #2, individual visualizers may be gone but it's almost impossible to imagine that with the built-in visualizer library.

#1 and #3 are user errors caused by e.g. loose backup/sync practices, while I think that #2 is N/A in this case.
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Thanks Eugene, this may have been an error at my end, either way, it was only this visualiser and its now back
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Somehow we missed the easiest explanation - you must backtest in Portfolio Simulation sizing mode (not Raw Profit) to see the By Period Visualizer.

If you look at Performance Visualizers in Preferences (F12), each one shows which type of backtest it "Applies to".
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Somehow we missed the easiest explanation - you must backtest in Portfolio Simulation sizing mode (not Raw Profit) to see the By Period Visualizer.

I thought about it; however, even if in Raw Profit mode, the visualizer should not be gone from the Preferences dialog:

akardar1: Its also not listed in the PREFERENCES > PERFORMANCE VISUALISERS.
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