Picking up underlying symbol indicator vs. SetContext symbol
Author: WLTrader23
Creation Date: 2/21/2011 4:35 PM
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I have a dynamic watchlist script using intraday price data that has been functioning well. I wanted to add a benign parabolic stop using daily price. I setup a ParablicStop series under SetScaleDaily and then syncronize it. However, when I access the series in the bar loop, it keeps coming back with the Parabolic Stop for the underlying symbol (the one I click on) rather than the active position / SetContext symbol. It also gives me a rutime error "Index out of range". I included the portion of script that is involved in the parabolic stop. Can you point me in the right direction to get it to pick up the symbol under test?

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You only created one Parabolic series for the primary Bars, so that's the only one the script can reference.

After you SetContext, you need to grab a reference to the Parabolic.Series for the Bars in the current context.
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Thanks Cone. I assume that I then SetScaleDaily in the bar loop as shown below. I'm still getting the Runtime error: Index was out of range. "Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection."

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On the surface, the ParabolicStop1 isn't synchronized.
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It would be much more efficient to create 2 DataSeries references before the loop so that you could refer to the correct one within the loop. If this is a script that operates on DataSetSymbols, then, store the series references in a Dictionary<string, DataSeries> so that you can easily recall the one for the string key (the symbol).
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Thanks Cone. I'll work on it.
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