PlotSeries: Suppress Description
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 4/22/2013 11:00 AM
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I have 5 series in a pane and want to suppress the description of 4 of them by setting

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for all 4 of them. However, the outcome is not what I intended but


description of first symbol

How can I really suppress the plot of the description ?
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Simply use the PlotSeries overload that accepts custom label and pass "string.Empty" or "":

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Not only mangling .Description will not help, it's a poor idea since Wealth-Lab is no longer able to find the DataSeries in the Bars.Cache.
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To set label = "" does the same thing:


As soon as a label identical to a previous label within the same pane is detected, WL6 makes these replacements.

The only circumvention I've found so far is setting

label1 = " "
label2 = " "
label3 = " "
label4 = " "
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(Why are the blanks gone?)

I mean Label1 with 1 blank, label2 with 2 blanks, label3 with 3 blanks, label4 with 4 blanks.
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Good for you.
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No, I'm sorry, I am mistaken, it's not working at all.
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It works perfectly.

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Please look at the attached picture and see the labels in the Price Pane (at the bottom):


I have set the label to "Seasonality" both times.

More generally, I can say that as soon as you have the same label two times, WL6 adds a "_1" at the label. The third identical label gets a "_2", the fourth a "_3", and so on. Of course this applies also to labels with no content, regardless whether it is null or "" or " ".

When you look at the first two panes, you can see that one cannot even have the same label in two different panes without suffering from the "_X" postfix.
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This is by good design: it helps distinguish between different series, purposefully or inadvertently marked with the same label. Unless you're plotting the same Seasonality series twice, intentionally or unintentionally, Wealth-Lab will be appending a "_" postfix to the end.

I'm sure that labels must be unique for Wealth-Lab's own purposes. A workaround is already known: append a few spaces past the end of "Seasonality ".
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This works for non-empty labels only, but I can live with that.

The _X thing is like Microsoft telling me that a cell in an array must begin with an uppercase letter. Kind of teacher-like mentality. Some like it, some not.
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This works for non-empty labels only, but I can live with that.

A label can not be empty: it's some kind of key value. That's the whole point of the "invisible label" workaround for PlotSeries.
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