PreExecute() + PostExecute() Mothods
Author: kribel
Creation Date: 4/8/2013 6:43 AM
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Hello all!

As far as I understand the Execute() method gets executed for every symbol in the selected portfolio.

I would like to print some information which does not change during the execution or is available after the execution. Is there a way to run something like PreExecute() and PostExecute() methods?

Many thanks,
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Hi Konstantin,

It's easier than you think. Please see this KB article, at the bottom ("A simpler approach"):

WealthScript Techniques | Executing some code only once
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HI Eugene,

This article is very helpful!

Many thanks,
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Glad to have helped.
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Hi Eugene,

I have been using the "simpler approach" for a long time. It did fulfill my requirements very good. Now run into a limitation and need some help with that.

What I currently have is:
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I need to initialize my object every time when I start a backtest, especially when I am playing around with my sliders. If I execute the strategy on a single symbol, which is not the first in the DataSet, then my Init-Method never gets called?

Is there a way determine whether the strategy is being executed on a single symbol or on a full DataSet?

Many thanks,
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Hi Konstantin,

If I execute the strategy on a single symbol, which is not the first in the DataSet, then my Init-Method never gets called?


Is there a way determine whether the strategy is being executed on a single symbol or on a full DataSet?

Sure it's possible:

FAQ | Strategies and WealthScript > Is there a way to detect within my Strategy if it is executed in Multi-Symbol Backtest mode?
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Hi Eugene,

thanks a lot! That helped!

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