Put "paper accounts" as the default for Auto Trading in Orders Window
Author: joannakim
Creation Date: 11/10/2010 4:16 PM
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It is a real hassle to open Orders window every morning, and change the auto trading default from "off" to "paper account." Most of us don't have auto trading capabilities in our real money accounts any way. So why not put "paper accounts" as default for auto trading so that we don't have to do this every morning, and worse yet, forget to do it, and the paper accounts do not trade that day, and wreck the performance numbers of a strategy or strategies.

If this is not agreeable for some reason, we could be given an option to make this happen in the Preference window, right?
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Going to the Orders tool to turn on Auto-Trading is a good habit, because it's not negotiable to change it for live Auto-Trading.

It is a real hassle...
Sorry, but reading this made me think of an old cartoon "The Jetsons" in which George comes home one day and exclaims "I'm exhausted. I had to press 3 buttons today at work!".

Found one on my first try - just watch the first 25 second of this:
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