Quotes/Orders tool data storage
Author: abegy
Creation Date: 7/29/2013 9:36 AM
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I would like to know if there is a file where WLD stores the list of current alerts available in the Quote Tool ? I have the same question for the Order Tool.
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Quotes windows do not keep their data on disk. Exception: symbols can be kept in between sessions after saving a Workspace.

The Orders tool stores orders in the Orders.xml file under the AppData folder (for its exact location, see the User Guide > Data).

P.S. Note that manipulation with Wealth-Lab's configuration files using external software is not supported when WL6 is running.
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Thank you very much. I found Orders.xml but not the file where Quote requested in Quote Tool are saved. Can you help me ?
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I have another question : OrderID is generated by Order Tool or can I have it in my script for each alert and position ?
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It's generated internally for internal purposes (unsupported).
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