Quotes Trigger Threshold > 100%
Author: mjj3
Creation Date: 8/22/2013 10:45 AM
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Hi All,
It would be nice if the Trigger Threshold % could exceed 100%. On less liquid stocks I would like price to exceed my level before I put my order in so I can ensure getting filled on most of my order.

Also, are there plans on getting market depth information into WL? This would also help manage fills.
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It would be nice if the Trigger Threshold % could exceed 100%.

Isn't it easier to slightly adjust your order levels on less liquid stocks?

Also, are there plans on getting market depth information into WL? This would also help manage fills.

Level II? No plans.
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First of all I am trying to have it fully automated. What I'm trying to achieve is better timing on submitting the order. If I submit the order right as price touches my order level (trigger threshold of 100%) the offers/bids back away especially if the order is large size. I find I often never get filled. What I was hoping to do is have price exceed my order price so that when I submit the order I am guaranteed to get filled a significant amount. I can easily account for this in the backtest through slippage.

No Level II but how about bid / offer?
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Trigger Threshold % can not exceed 100% because that would be a different formula.

What do you mean by saying "bid/ask"? WL is bar-based (OHLC). What's the point in getting that into WL?
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The bid/ask is useful for execution. The close only tells you what the last trade is. With the bid/ask you can see how much you can get filled at a given price.
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Probably you're right, like others interested in making WL event-based, but WL has been bar-based and bid/ask just doesn't fit in.
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It probably doesn't need to be one or the other but maybe a mix. I noticed that is the general trend for the other platforms I use. The processing and backtesting is all bar based but the information providers and orders are all event based.
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