Random Exits
Author: deepbuyer
Creation Date: 9/17/2010 8:28 PM
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could somebody suggest a quick fix? the code below is meant to test random entry/exit. it buys when rand(1,100)<=50, the position is exited when rand(1,100)>50. the random number needs to be generated at least once per day. entries/exits occur at five minutes before EOD.

i think the entries are random but my exits won't cooperate. the script either exits after 79 bars (SPY, 5-min bars used for testing) or not at all. it should exit as soon as the correct random number is generated.

also, how could i put the random numbers on the 5-min chart of SPY?
any help is appreciated!

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Here's how I think the code could look like, assuming a multi-position, randomized system:
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