Real-Time Market Scanner
Author: ALC77
Creation Date: 5/28/2014 9:14 AM
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Good morning!
I'm new to WL and I'm trying to figure out if there is something that works like the Realtime market scanner of Multicharts, where I'm able to add to a grid a number of instruments and add a number of columns with my custom indicators...
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Ciao Antonio,

Realtime market scanner of Multicharts, where I'm able to add to a grid a number of instruments

...or like RadarScreen in Omega Tradestation. No, there's no such tool because it would have limited appliance considering Wealth-Lab's modus operandi. Here's a piece from the FAQ explaining why there's no need in real-time update of indicators:

FAQ | Data and Data Providers > Is it necessary to have access to intra-bar tick data to daytrade with Wealth-Lab?

In other words, what would you do with that real-time knowledge if your system executes at the end of bar anyway?

Workaround: in multi-symbol backtest mode, the By Symbol tab lists all DataSeries created by a Strategy in a grid with last value of each included indicator.
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Ciao Eugene!

I also discovered your Strategy Ranking a nice feature to analyze multiple strategies on a single instruments…

I think I need to spend some hours getting deeper into the logic of WL!

Well, usually I code a sort of wrapper indicator for each one of the strategies I trade frequently, and I add this indicator to the scanner, so I know exactly the position of the system automatically updated after each bar and I get an alert for all the signals… But I think this can be accomplished with the strategy monitor?
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The Strategy Monitor issues an Alert if there is a signal to exit a Position or if your Strategy triggered an entry Alert. The current set of Alerts for any particular Strategy is always shown.
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