Rule-code opens >1 position in Raw Profit mode
Author: SimhaD04
Creation Date: 12/12/2013 9:29 AM
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My assumption was that in Raw Profit mode, the program is supposed to maintain only one position at a time. So that it opens a second position only after the first one is closed. If this is correct, than this automatically generated code is working incorrectly (let me know if you want a screenshot of rules):
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My assumption was that in Raw Profit mode, the program is supposed to maintain only one position at a time.

Incorrect assumption. Rule-based strategies can be either single- or multi-position depending on "Position Management" radio button. The position sizing mode does not have to do with it. If you have selected "Multiple open positions allowed" - like in your script above - then Wealth-Lab will maintain multiple positions.
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of course, my bad, thanks.
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