Runtime/Performance recommendations?
Author: Mockasino
Creation Date: 4/25/2013 6:57 AM
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Hello All,

Do you have general recommendations concerning improvements of the runtime in WL-Coding/WL-Plattform
e.g. Using static value method instead of creating new Dataseries Object etc.

Generally the compiling process takes the most time. Do you have also some recommendation to speed it up.

I have forgotten to mention, that I am working with Multi-Position strategys and PositionOptions Settings in PosSizer.
Can this be the reason why it is so slow.?

Thanks a lot!

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The question is way too general. Please be specific as to what task needs a speed up, on what hardware, and why.
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Hi Eugene,

i am working on a Intel core i7 2,67 Ghz on Win 7 and 32Bit Version.

The rason why i was asking, i want to be sure, that from the WL-Settings-point of view
i have configured nothing that has bad influence on the runtime-performance.
I think maybe you have the experience about the issues other users often had.

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A good question contains half the answer.

How slow is "so slow"? Compared to what? Why do you think it's slow?
What data provider are you using? What is the data loading range? Has "on demand update" been disabled?
What stops you from using 64-bit WLD?

The more details the better the chances to track the problem down and help you.
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