Scanning in different time frames
Author: 07nioe
Creation Date: 6/29/2016 7:12 PM
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I use a simple scanner with daily bars to search for candle patterns. I would also scan in a weekly and monthly timeframe.

SetScaleWeekly and SetScaleMonthly is a way, but the chart is still in daily timeframe. And there is no button to change from daily to weekly in the chart window. What do I have to do to see the patterns also in different time frames? Thank you for help.

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Indeed there is a button to change scale: the Chart Scaling menu that pops up when you hover the mouse over it. Unless you switch to a scale unsupported by the tool - like 120-Minute, Quarterly or Yearly - the menu is there. When it's not, use the Scale menu in the DataSets tree to make the switch. What could be easier?
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Perfect, it works now. Thank you, Eugene
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