Screen for stocks that have fallen 70% from all time highs
Author: kephin
Creation Date: 1/30/2014 11:16 PM
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Just been trying to search for simple screen code that captures stocks that have fallen 70% from all time highs (not 52 week highs). I understand this is possible on WL and I am reading the developer guide (but struggling).

Has anyone written any code similar to this that I can try and figure out and then modify? I might try and smooth it at some point but I need to start somewhere simple. I've tried 'search' on forum but been unsuccessful.

Any pointers?

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Here you go. As all time highs depend on how many bars are loaded into your chart, make sure to load "All Data" to screen for pullback from "all time" highs. The script is configurable -- drag the StrategyParameter slider to set a custom %:

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Short hint: I would use the highest close for the dataseries alltimeHigh ... but it
is definitely a matter of taste. Close is considered to be more reliable.

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Considering Rene's advice, let's have it both ways:

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Thank you both. Rene especially as you are a new person to me and I very much appreciate the guidance.
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