SellAtStop and BuyAtStop work differently when Bid/Ask spread is wider than 1 tick
Author: aykuts
Creation Date: 4/2/2014 2:31 AM
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In Turkey, there are certain stocks that trade with wider spread between Bid and Ask.

As one example, HALKB ticker is typically quoted as 10.00 / 10.05 during the day.

So, in a bid to capture this wider bid/ask spread in my strategy, I use:

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Interestingly however, these two identical order types (as per Quickref documentation) yield different Buy (And Sell) levels when used within the strategy.

If we continue from the same example:
* This code BUYS at 10.05 (when BUY signal is 10.00 TL) => Great, fine!
* This code however sells at 9.99 TL (when SELL signal is 10.00 TL) =>Wrong?!

This problem involves one hidden and very dangerous issue (other than the loss of just one-tick while selling the stock)

In fact, when the SELL price is calculated at 9.99 by the code:
- the strategy will execute this order ONLY WHEN the price AT NEXT BAR hovers around 9.95 / 10.00 (so that the code that can execute this SELL order at 9.99)
- that means, the code will execute this order ONLY WHEN it checks the NEXT BAR FIRST and sees if the price is moving down at the next bar
- So, that is front running (i.e. looking forward to next bar if the price falls, and, then, executing the order at 9.99 while the current bar price is 10.05 / 10.00.)


* Why is the calculation methodology between BuyAtStop and SellAtStop are different?
* Any remedies to prevent this `implicit` front running of the code?

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration,

Aykut Saribiyik

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There's no difference between *AtStop with regard to tick handling.

1. What were the OHLC for bar and bar+1?
2. Or better, can you demonstrate what you're experiencing using some Yahoo! symbol as example? We may need to see how exactly is your code producing the orders (e.g. same bar, etc.)
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The difference is likely due to:
a) the precision of the data (remember that you're seeing rounding pricing to 2 decimals)
b) the rounding effect (ceiling/floor) of stop/limit orders for stocks to 2 decimals (default), which can be changed in Preferences > Advanced Settings > Pricing Decimal places.

Basically, if you enable Preferences > Backtest Settings > Turn off limit/stop rounding entirely, you'll probably see what you expect.
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I checked each trade one by one, and i think you are right: Most of the trades are sold at stop at a price one tick below the StopPrice, just because the round of the calculated StopLevel falls below the targeted StopPrice.

Thanks once again for your valuable help.

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