Is there someone who can send me code for training me and/or webinar. I would pay for the job!
First code is to have a simple MA fast slow and a stop loss and with Straps so I can optimize
(This can be done with rules but then not possible to optimize and I dint even now how to do that...)
Next would be to add trailing stop and other stop rules..
After that changing the entry etc
(This can be done with rules but then not possible to optimize and I dint even now how to do that...)
Fortunately, you don't have to pay anyone for something which is a built-in feature. Optimizing rule-based strategies is easily possible. All it takes is to get yourself familiar with the built-in documentation and then you're ready to discover the possibilities of your software product. :)
Wealth-Lab User Guide > Strategy Window > Optimization > Full Optimization > Optimization Control >
Optimizing Rule-based StrategiesQUOTE:
Next would be to add trailing stop and other stop rules..
And even more rules (not just Stops but them too) are available by connecting this library:
Community.Rules (first you need to register in the Wiki, then we'll authorize your account for download)
But when I use rule based I get 2 sets of fast/slow MA. One for entry and one for exit. How do I get only one MA fast/slow used for optimizing. (like the one pre programmed..)
I want to optimize same set of MA, not one for entry and another for exit...
The Rule Wizard can't "know" that the two sets are in fact one. In this case you'll have to open the system in a new code window (or convert) and make appropriate tweaks.
Note: as this action can't be reversed, make sure to have completed whatever steps in Rules mode you can think of.
It's easier than you think. Say you have this:
Please log in to see this code.
Which becomes something like this:
Please log in to see this code.