SmartMoney upgrades information
Author: hmg2020
Creation Date: 4/4/2011 10:33 AM
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Can someone help me print the the last two smartmoney upgrades ( for a symbol in a DataSet.
Similar to what it was done for MSN scout rating but in this case instead of just a number I like to see the ticker symbol and its last two rows of the Upgrades & Downgrades History table..
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My GetStockScouter code for MSN rating solves an easier task so it's not that relevant in this context. Parsing HTML tables using RegEx is difficult and less reliable, especially if you don't want to be worried about some slight change in structure breaking the code.

In fact, something like this but for a different source with more upgrade, downgrade and insider trading information is considered by me either as a new fundamental provider or as a Community.Components method (later this year).
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P.S. Most likely, the project will require some use of a 3rd party library.
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Stumbled on this thread by occasion. To anyone interested, since then I have developed this provider:

Analyst Ratings provider
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