Specify basis price
Author: sburgener
Creation Date: 10/15/2012 10:44 AM
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I see that Basis Price is a read-only value. Is there any way to respecify it (i.e. set it to a different value)?

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No, and user shouldn't be alternating it. Out of curiosity, what's the point?

(On basis price, please see "100% of Equity Sizing" in the User Guide).
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P.S. In PosSizers, you can specify anything as the BasisPrice and pass it to CalcPositionSize.
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Thanks Eugene.

I am using the PosSizer Position Options, in which I use the Tag value to specify the % of equity to invest in a certain stock. Given that my order are on closing prices, the number of shares is based on the BasisPrice (i.e on the close) on which the signal arrives. However, as the trade occurs only a few dates later, I would like to respecify my Basis Price.

Sorry to ask, but I couldn't find any reference to CalcPositionSize on the webpage or the user guide. Could you quickly explain how to use the latter?

Thanks in advance!

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Since it's API, it's documented in the Wiki and the place to look for answers is...

Pages of the Category API
Wealth-Lab Version 6 (.NET) Development Guide > Create a PosSizer
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Is it possible to link an existing PosSizer to a new one (i.e. to add functionality) or would this require to access the source code (which I think is proprietary)?

Thanks again for your great support Eugene!
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Not as a solution to the question above, but you can try inheriting from an existing PosSizer. That won't extend it and/or alter the way it works, you just can re-use the sizing as determined by that PosSizer in your own.
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Brilliant, this should do the trick. I will give it a go!
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