Strategy Autorun, how disable it?
Author: Flaviog2005
Creation Date: 6/1/2013 11:24 AM
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Every time I open a strategy, WLD start automatically calculate it even if I do not click on GO.
In older releases 3.4 and 4 WLD existed at the beginning of script, I wrote code

Is there a similar command in WLD 06.04.52?
I feel very uncomfortable with his autorun
This is because every time I click on a symbol, it triggers the calculation

thanks for the support
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Every time you click on a symbol, it will trigger the calculation and that's by design. But to keep a Strategy from executing right after it is opened, you can use this simple trick:

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Note the placement of NO_AUTO_EXECUTE: it should be declared as class variable, prior to the Execute method.
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