Strategy still running even removed from Strategy Monitor
Author: piter99
Creation Date: 3/27/2013 11:39 AM
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Maybe I miss something, but please help.

Strategy still running even:
- removed from monitor. I can see orders in Order screen from removed strategies.
- WealthLab closed

PC: HP, Win Vista, Home Premium, SP2, 64 bit

Thank you
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I'm having a hard time visualizing what you're describing. Which Order screen are you talking about?

If Wealth-Lab is closed, certainly there are no strategies running. However, double check the Windows Task Manager Applications (and Processes) for Wealth-Lab. It's not frequent, but sometimes Windows won't show you a program's icon in the Windows task bar even though the process is actually running.
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Here are steps:
- add 4 strats to monitor, activate, auto-stage
- strats run and created some alerts
- orders from these alerts autostaged and appears in Order screen
- remove some 2 strats from monitor
- after new runs in monitor alerts from 2 removed strats autostaged and appears in Order screen again

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I think I've got it now. Wealth-Lab isn't really closed and you're looking at the WLP Orders tool (not another one like in ATP).

The Orders tool holds all order activity (even through restarts) until you do something with the orders. If you don't want to see those orders anymore, you have to use one of the options to delete them. Make sense?

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I deleted all orders before "- after new runs in monitor alerts from 2 removed strats autostaged and appears in Order screen again".
Only help is to restart PC and run WL monitor again. This time I can see only added strats.

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Okay, understood. We'll try to duplicate it. It's pretty strange, so at least we know that other possibilities are exhausted.
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Thanks for the post, it was easy to duplicate. Although I was surprised that restarting the S. Monitor didn't clear it up, the one thing that was different for me was that restarting WLP was sufficient to clear the condition. I would have been extremely surprised if that were not the case since in a new session the S.M. can start only with the strategies that it was last saved with in the StrategyMonitorConfiguration.xml file.

I'll add this to the bug list, but I'm afraid we'll all have to remember to avoid do this for the foreseeable future. Thanks again for spotting it!
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