I am developing a TPnF strategy using a Log % box size. I had hoped I could simply use CeilingToBox/FloorToBox to set entry and exit prices (for example, enter when one box above previous column.
However when doing something like CeilingToBox(PreviousColumnHigh), it just returns the previous column's high.
So I thought perhaps I need to set the price higher than the previous column's high to get the next box level, but CeilingToBox(PreviousColumnHigh + 0.01) just returns the previous column high + 1 cent.
I suspect it's simply that this method is not compatible with log % box sizes, but just in case, I thought I'd ask if I was just using it wrong.
Assuming it's not compatible, is there an easy method to determine the price at which the next box will be drawn on a log % box size PnF chart above or below a given price?
I see it. I looks like it's working correctly for linear, but not log. We'll look into it and I'll let you when a fix is ready here.
Hi Joseph,
I think we can get an automatic conversion for the log case in for the next WLDev build, but you can make it work now for log like this:
Please log in to see this code.
Look for this change in the next release. If you see it, remove this conversion from your script(s).