The type or namespace name could not be found (error)
Author: timprice7
Creation Date: 4/26/2013 1:53 PM
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I have a strategy that works fine under the 32 bit version of WealthLab but when I try to compile the same strategy under the 64 bit version I get the following errors. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
The type or namespace name 'MS123' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The type or namespace name 'Community' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The type or namespace name 'Linq' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Below are the namespaces I use at the beinning of my strategy code...

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It's hard for me to believe that a power user who is utilizing (somewhat) advanced features like LINQ, COM Interop, Threads and even referring our visualizer library in an unsupported context (MS123 Visualizers is not meant to be used in Strategies) can be having difficulty in understanding the basic, familiar, self-descriptive Compiler Error CS0246. What makes me puzzled with your question is that to make this Strategy work fine in 32-bit (as you said), you would have added necessary references to a number of DLL files (to use Linq, XML etc.) in the Editor. And if I made it once even in unfamiliar environment, I would recall doing it for sure! That's why I'm confused.

P.S. Just wondering if you're running code produced by someone else? At any rate, a good habit to develop is to use Google/Bing to look up any compiler-generated error message when it shows up. They are intelligibly documented in MSDN.
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1) I'm not a 'power' user.
2) I'm not using advanced features though in the past I have very minimally experimented with trying to understand features enabled by Linq, threading, etc... They should have been deleted or commented out since I'm not using them.
3) I do want to create a custom visualizer tab but need help doing it.
4) I'm not running code produced by someone else.
5) I do understand the basics about namespaces but clearly I have forgotten something very fundamental...
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Assuming you're using the Strategy Editor, to make the code run you need to add references to all used assemblies. If something isn't in in use, say XML, LINQ and the MS123 namespaces, drop these "usings". For the rest, you'll need to click "References..." in the Editor and add necessary references.

Additionally, your 64-bit installation is missing Community.Indicators, Community.Components and MS123 Visualizers. Extensions must be installed separately into x86 and x64 editions of Wealth-Lab. Restart WLP.

P.S. After having installed 64-bit WLP, it's set to "intercept" all new extensions being installed by choosing "Download extension" in your browser. Should you need to go back to 32-bit, there are 2 alternative ways of installation («Open Extension's *.wle file...» and Drag & Drop) - please see this KB article for more insight: How do I install Wealth-Lab extensions?
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Thanks Eugene. I manually installed the 64bit version of Community.Indicators, Community Components and MS123 Visualizer and that solved the problem.
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Glad to have helped.
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