Trades Listing after Optimization
Author: sdbens20
Creation Date: 5/19/2013 10:52 PM
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After running an optimization, one of the data tabs was "trades". It listed all the trades that were made for a given set of parameters. It is still possible to see these trades?
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At least you're lucky to have had this tab in the Optimization tool, mine never had! ;) On a serious note, are you looking for the "Results" tab? It's the one that always lists all trades for a given set of parameters.

(If you meant to say it's "lost" after an optimization, does reopening the strategy window bring it back?)
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I just ran an optimization. I do have a "Results" tab as one of 11 tabs available when the optimization run completes. "Results" is automatically selected and lists the data for each 400 passes (I'm using Monte Carlo) such as Trades, Winning Percent, Average Profit %, etc. I double click on one line of the list of 400 pass outcomes and get a new window with tabs left to right of DataSet, Strategy Summary, etc. I believe this page used to have a "Trades" tab that chronologically listed listed each trade that was made using that particular parameter set. I can no longer find the list of trades. Not sure what I might have changed that prevents me from seeing the trades list.
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Now it's clear: you're confusing the Trades list with one of the Optimization tabs. The reason it's disappared is because you've disabled the built-in Trades visualizer. To restore, check "Trades" in Preferences > Performance Visualizers, and reopen the Strategy window.
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That fixed it. A Trades tab is now back where I remembered it, between the Performance tab and the Equity Curve tab on the page that appears once an optimization run completes.

I never knowingly or intentionally disabled the Trades visualizer. Didn't even know it existed. Maybe an WLP update was distributed with the Trades visualizer disabled.

The Results tab you mentioned has always been displayed. It does not list trades but actually lists all the combinations of parameters and the resultant outcomes for all the parameter combinations for each of the passes evaluated during the optimization. Once a line of data on the results listing is selected, the trades tab can be selected to show the actual trades made for that line of parameters and results.
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Maybe an WLP update was distributed with the Trades visualizer disabled.

Even if it was (but certainly wasn't), an upgrade or reinstall won't affect a current user's preferences.
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