Trading only on particular days of week
Author: Kefirich
Creation Date: 12/4/2014 5:09 AM
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I'm currently working on a intra-day strategy which performs best of all only on particular days of week: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Is there any features in the script which would help me avoid any execution on Mondays and Tuesdays?

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Hi Anton,

Sure. It's possible to achieve in both code- and rule-based strategies.

* For rule-based strategies, look for "Date is a day of week" condition on Conditions tab.
* If coding in WealthScript, take these downloadable strategies for example:

Trading Day of Week
Wednesday Reversal

As you can see, it's not a "script feature": you have the power of .NET at your fingertips. Whatever C# allows to code, you can achieve in your WealthScript strategy.
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Thanks, Eugene.
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