Turn a constant into parameter to optimize
Author: rgfekula
Creation Date: 8/9/2012 2:32 PM
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See code below where I want to optomize what is currently a constant. I followed the instructions but I am not a programer and do not understand straps. An exanple or two would help in the instructions.

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See step by step examples:
Help menu > WealthScript Programming Guide: Programming Trading Strategies > Strategy Parameters
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Thank you for your help. I spent at lest 2 hours searching for the example. Searching optomization in the index returns NOTHING. The example would have allowed me to code my routine however it is so buried in the WealthScript Programming Guide.
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Searching optomization in the index returns NOTHING.

Because there is no such word as "optOmization". The right word is "optImization", "optImize" etc.
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