Author: karla2010
Creation Date: 6/12/2010 11:38 AM
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Hi, I just started experimenting with WLP coding. I've looked through the WLP programming guide but have not found the answer to this.

I'm trying to overlay two dataseries in the same chartpane. In this case RSI and UltimateOsc.

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This does not work. Any ideas?

Thanks for any help.
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Thanks, I should have pushed an example of UltimateOsc to see usage.

I'm confused however, by the Bars parm. Every implementation of UltimateOsc I've ever seen includes periods that one can choose to specify the windows for the computation. How does one control the windows for the UltimateOsc indicator?
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Nothing new under the Sun, Mark... it has been requested before and now is a part of Community.Indicators --

Ultimate Oscillator with Variable Lengths
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Thanks very much.

I downloaded community indicators and implemented the script using UltimateOsc2. Worked like a charm.

I just started yesterday with WLP and am new to C#. I'm an old time tech guy and grew up in fortran, so a little slow on the uptake.
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