If I have understood coorectly, Wealthsignal is a system where you can publish your trading orders. For this reason, you will be invoiced in a near future.
Is there a way to “play” a virtual trading game with others trader without a subscription to Wealthsignal program ?
WealthSignals includes a Sandbox where you can paper trade for free.
Using the
WealthSignals Publisher is also free.
No one seems to be taking advantage of the WealthSignals Sandbox for forward test / paper trading. Remember, with WealthSignals, you never divulge you code, and if paper trading in the sandbox, no one even sees your signals. The improvements over Virtual Trading are many, but include execution using streaming data and the ability to upload your trades right from Wealth-Lab! How convenient is that?
It's free and it takes only a little time to set up system in the Sandbox and just a little more for the Trading System Subscriber Network. If you've got 10 minutes to spare, check out our video tutorials on how to set up a WealthSignals system on our
YouTube WealthLabSupport channel!
Is it possible for the next realese of WLD to include by default the dataset of symbols that we can trade with sandbox ?
It's possible, but the list will be expanding and ever-changing, and, anyone can easily create a DataSet by clicking the "List of Symbols" link in the footer of the website, click "Copy Symbols to Clipboard", and paste them into the provider's DataSet wizard.
We're working on notifications for changes to the list, and this will likly appear in the Dashboard for anyone participating in WealthSignals.
WLP can 'download strategies'.. Now may be a good time to add 'download datasets'.
Please consider creating a dynamic dataset object which allows for a symbol list to be generated by a strategy on a per-bar basis.
Also, please consider a means to capture the add and remove actions of the WealthSignals dataset for more accurate backtesting purposes, which does not require significant system developer plumbing.
add 'download datasets'
But then the next question is for which one of the 30 providers is the DataSet created? This one probably won't happen since it would have to become a virtual method supported by each provider.
dynamic dataset object which allows for a symbol list to be generated by a strategy on a per-bar basis.
Solution has been available:
consider a means to capture the add and remove actions of the WealthSignals dataset for more accurate backtesting purposes,
In fact this is implemented, but we need to create a way to consume it. In any case, it would be easy to provide changes to the list upon request.