WL 6.5 locks up when I close it
Author: mjj3
Creation Date: 7/22/2013 4:19 PM
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The title says it all. It has only been happening since the latest update. I am running WIN8 and the 64bit version of WL.
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At least to me, the title doesn't say it all. What does "locks up" mean? More details please.
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sure. It becomes completely unresponsive. You can't click on anything, can't minimize it, nothing is updating anymore. I have tried waiting for up to 30 minutes incase some long running processes are running but that didn't work. I have to kill the process in the task manager. The odd thing is that it works fine in every other circumstance. I only have problems exiting the program.
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If it occurs only after hours and after using Strategy Monitor & Quotes tool (and possibly Email Alerts), then it's an intermittent condition that popped up approximately 3 years ago. Intermittent problems are the most difficult to solve, but if it becomes more persistent please give us all the details of your workspace environment in a Support ticket so that we can try to duplicate it.
(Internal ref: #4339)
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