WL crashes on startup after date format changed
Author: MarkStaunton
Creation Date: 3/18/2010 9:16 AM
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I changed the Date/Time format from US to Australia.

This caused Wealth lab to crash on startup with a "stopped working error".

Error in Windows Log is:
Event Name: CLR20r3

Debugging through VS gives:
The type initializer for 'WealthLabPro.MainModule' threw an exception.
{"String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."}

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but hasn't helped.

I had change the date/ time format back to US.

Will Wealth lab only work with the US format?
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This caused Wealth lab to crash on startup with a "stopped working error".

Please see the workaround in Wealth-Lab Wiki > Errors > General:

(Scroll down where it says) Wealth-Lab crashes on start after changing regional settings

Tried uninstalling and reinstalling but hasn't helped.

Here's from Wealth-Lab Wiki FAQ > General:

I have a problem. Tried to reinstall Wealth-Lab, but it didn't help!

Will Wealth lab only work with the US format?

Will work with any format including Australian, after applying the workaround above.

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Thanks Eugene. Always good to see active support behind a product.
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