WLC data format
Author: Ben_Zurich
Creation Date: 9/21/2015 5:40 AM
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I'd like to read WLC files outside WL6.

I already have the code to successfully read WL (using a 28 byte buffer) and WLO (using a 32 byte buffer) files, but I don't have the file format for WLC.

Where can I get this from?

Thank you!
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Out of curiosity, why'd you need to read the undocumented file format generated by the BB static provider?
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We need to have a daily overview of our ticker downloads from Bloomberg. Which tickers are up to date, which are not (eg.. missing last day), which have been added, which deleted since the last download, what's the first date in a ticker etc. I am saving this information in an xml file.

I could do that within WL6, but we get thread errors from time to time and it's not as fast as I like it to be for 10000+ tickers.
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Does that mean you don't disclose it?
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