WLD just does not start anymore
Author: Musashi1970
Creation Date: 4/22/2013 4:13 AM
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since the weekend my WLD just does not start anymore (Win 8). When I click the symbol to start, WLD appears for a brief period as a process in the task manager, disappears and then nothing happens. A quick solution would be welcome, so I am able to post my signals on time...
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Wealth-Lab crashes on start, follow this General troubleshooting procedure starting from step 4.
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Hello Eugene
Many thanks for your quick feedback. When I executed step 7 it worked again. Then it came to my attention that I had to change the win regional settings at the weekend to use another app correctly and forgot to reverse the settings afterwards. After reversing the settings, also my original WLD version works again. So sorry about that, my bad.

Nevertheless, I have another minor issue. It seems that my WLD is not updating to the newest version, although I have tried to install it numerous times during the last week. Do you have an idea regarding this ?
Thanks again
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Glad to have helped. Indeed, should you mention the regional settings change, it would have taken less effort to fix. ;)

It seems that my WLD is not updating to the newest version

It only seems so, please see this:

New version of WL -->
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