WLP 6.5 (64 bit) cannot launch
Author: labone
Creation Date: 11/4/2013 1:16 PM
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I installed WLP 6.5 (64 bit) on my computer (Windows 7) this morning but it cannot launch. Each time when I launch it, a screen shows up saying "You must log in to continue using Wealth-Lab Pro 6.5" with a OK button. When I click on OK button, nothing happens.
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1. First thing to double check is this: does your account have the WLP entitlement attached to it? Call your Fidelity rep to confirm.
2. Another thing to try is create a fresh new Windows username and try starting WLP under that account. Does that help?

If Fidelity tells you the entitlement is there and #2 doesn't help, then we're probably dealing with a corrupted file that stores sensitive authentication data. In this case, please create a support ticket and we'll provide further instructions.
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In this case, topic starter has fixed the problem by finding the Fidelity login prompt on one of his multiple monitors.
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