WLP hangs when attempting an optimization
Author: Carova
Creation Date: 3/12/2015 1:03 PM
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but has no issue performing a WFO!

Regardless of which optimization method selected, which script is selected, or which Watchlist is selected, the optimization process "hangs" prior to the first iteration. The "hour glass" icon shows it is working and the Performance tab in Windows Task Manager show strong processor activity.

However, I can choose and run any combination in the WFO and it appears to perform flawlessly. Re-start WLP multiple times has had no effect.

Any thoughts? I am planning to re-install WLP after saving all of my scripts.

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A bit more info...

Re-booting did not help. Re-installing the software solved the problem.

I hope that this does not happen again. It was a real pain.

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I'm just curious if you made any changes to the\Data folder before the re-install. If you didn't, to the best of my knowledge this marks only the second time in the last 13 years that reinstalling Wealth-Lab actually fixed a problem.
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No changes... I did a complete un-install first. Cleaned the registry of all traces, and then did the re-install. I wanted the problem GONE! ;)

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