Why my code didn't buy on some date?
Author: colotrader
Creation Date: 12/30/2010 3:40 PM
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The following code does produce the long trade entry points that I would expect from examining the chart produced by the code.
For example:
Symbol BAC; Scale: Daily, Data range: 2 Years.
Slider1 set to 0.4, Slider2 set to 75,000.
The other Strategy Parameters are set to their default values.
Position size set to $500 in raw profit mode.

I would expect to see a long position entry on the open on October 28, 2010. I do not see that on the chart or in the Trades tab.

What am I missing?

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Tip: Click the "CODE" button when posting code.

The script is buying with a limit price of the open of the current bar. On 10/27, the open was 11.32, but the low on 10/28 was 11.41 = no trade.

Note that your price filter does not consider splits. That's a peeking error.
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