Why the entry price switches after the trade with SVESmoothedVolatilityBands ?
Author: DPGfinancas
Creation Date: 8/14/2024 2:28 AM
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I'm testing some indicators, and I came across the SVE Smoothed Volatility Bands, but after seeing a result that was too good to be true, I decided to investigate and noticed that for some reason the entry price is changed to a better price after the trade. What happens?
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Most likely, because of this: Help > WealthScript Programming Guide > Indicators > Stability of Indicators.
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Thanks Eugene for the answer, but I think I found the answer. There is a warning about this indicator.

"This indicador is flagged as potentially peeking ahead at future data..."
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This warning exists in WL8 but this is the WL6 resource. Diego, please do not raise WL8 related discussions here. Sorry for the confusion.
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Sorry Eugene.
I will open this discussion in the appropriate place
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