Wizard: Consecutive Number of Bars
Author: hasenhas
Creation Date: 12/16/2012 4:03 AM
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Why is there a lookback - period with this command? If there are for example three days up or down to go as a signal, isn't it obsolete? But I am sure there is a reason behind this but I don't understand it.

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Are you're looking for this?


These indicators are used for detecting a consecutive bars condition.

Additionally, these may also help:

Series Is Above
Series Is Below
Consecutive Days Up/Down of some percent

Otherwise please rephrase your question, because I'm feeling we're on the same page: I didn't understand it too!
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Yes, i am looking for this.

Because these indicators are used for detecting a consecutive bars condition, i am asking why there is additional a lookback periode. What happens if i put in i.E. 4 consecutive bars up/down and additional a lookback of 3. That makes no sence, or does ist?

I am always using the value 1 in the lookback...
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If it made no sense, would the developer include it? ;) A lookback greater than 1 is used to detect conditions like "x" consecutive closes higher than the close "y" bars earlier.

You're right about using "1" as the purest form: a streak of N up/down bars in a row.
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You are right, Eugene. It makes sense. Thanks - now I understand.
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