Write Trades to Database
Author: Supersol
Creation Date: 9/17/2013 3:39 AM
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Dear all,

I wanted to ask if it might be possible to avoid writing the trades to txt files for automatisation but instead write everything into an SQL Database (postgresql would be the prefered one)

Kind regards
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What's stopping you? It's .NET world, there are numerous online resources instructing how to write to any .NET-supported database.
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For me it is not clear how the .net editor is constructed.

It is a runtime environment for .net - ok. but then how can someone include external libs as it is no real sdk?
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how can someone include external libs

If you're looking to add a reference to a .NET assembly, you could either put it straight into the WLD main folder, or "Add Reference". See the User Guide: Strategy Window > Strategy Window Views > Editor > References... Then, add a "using" directive to your Strategy code.
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