XIV - first trade issue
Author: rbryant
Creation Date: 8/9/2014 1:49 AM
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Hi. I am buying XIV using a simple MA crossover strategy. The first trade is always small (385 shares) regardless of my equity. If I set position size to 1,000 shares, every trade is 1,000 shares...except the first one.

This is also the case when I have the simplest strategy possible - just a buy order with no exit - ie buy and hold. A small number of shares are bought regardless of position sizing or equity. The share price chart looks OK. I dont have the problem on any other symbol.

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To receive an adequate answer, it's optimal if a question contains enough details. Let's start by providing this:

1. What exactly is your position sizing?
2. Are you using SetShareSize() in the Strategy code?
3. Single symbol or Multi-symbol mode, data loading settings?
4. All related options from Wealth-Lab's Preferences dialog (Commissions, Backtest settings, Slippage & Round Lots, Advanced Options).
5. Symbol Info Manager string for XIV (if applicable i.e. you re-configured the tool)
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A bit rude, but fair enough. I dont even know what a Symbol Info Manager is. I said I was using position sizes of 1,000 shares.

I solved it - I had it limited to 5% of volume.

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Sorry if the request to clarify the missing details sounded "rude" to you, my intention was to sound straight, specific and objective. Many settings can affect the end result (as you now see, especially "Backtest settings"), and your question didn't reveal anything (but some hints) about the code, other symbols and settings used, leaving me with guesswork which is counterproductive for the purposes of support.
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OK, thanks, my bad.
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No problem. Glad you found the solution yourself.
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