There's no such thing as DataSet symbol limit. However, according to
documenation, the number of characters that can be entered into a TextBox is 32767 by default. This is what happens: it hits this limit and maxes out.
Workaround (
1. Create a Y! DataSet with a couple of symbols only: AAPL,GOOG,FB for example.
2. Close Wealth-Lab. Yes, WLD must be closed before moving on.
3. Open up the Wealth-Lab User Guide to find the location of the DataSets folder with regard to your operating system. See Data >
Where Data are Stored. With
hidden file/folder visibility enabled, find your
..Data\DataSets directory.
4. Once you're there, find your DataSet just created, and open it in your text/XML editor of choice (let's say it's Notepad++). There you'll find this line with your few symbols, comma-separated:
Please log in to see this code.
5. Now, open a
new blank document inside Notepad++, paste your gigantic list of symbols, and replace all single spaces with commas in your text editor (usually, the shortcut for Find/Replace dialog is Ctrl-H).
Note: there should be no line breaks or something - this must be 1 line of comma-separated symbols. Copy the result to clipboard.
6. Back to your open DataSet's XML file. Replace all tickers in the string i.e.
AAPL,GOOG,FB with your gigantic string of symbols in the clipboard. Make sure to preserve the XML tags.
Save the file. Start WL. Voila! And if it didn't work, you probably broke the XML structure e.g. by deleting a "{" or "}" inadvertently.