any example for listing and charting
Author: tradercn
Creation Date: 1/6/2012 11:18 AM
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I want to write a utility which is used to list all symbols in one dataset by ordering the result of some indicator, for example, LinearRegSlope. I wish the list could be popped up, when I see the list, double click or single click the item in the list, the proper chart will be showed. Do you have any example like that?
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list all symbols in one dataset by ordering the result of some indicator,

See SetContext in the QuickRef for an example of a sorted list but I'm sure there's more if you search the forums.

Regarding popping up and stuff like that -- inherently duplicate question, refer to a previous thread:

How to export the selection(symbols) to excel

There's no example because it would be a custom solution.
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Is that possible to show a chart if I double click the symbol on the list? Thanks.
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If you double click the Debug window output, nothing will happen.

Look, it's .NET. It's entirely up to you to find a suitable way of popping up a symbol (playing music, sending an SMS) when you do something. I had really nothing to add to the previous topic, here it's just as same.

You have to realize that it's a complex question, obviously no example exists, and it's an entirely custom solution from start to finish.
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Thanks so much, Eugene. I know I bothered you a lot. :)
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No problem. Just wanted to make it clear that a clickable List that pops up is a Wealth-Lab addin with all that it implies.
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Forgot to say, I wish this custom solution example could be provided later. Thanks again.
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Please refer to Our support policy, "Custom information".
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Just a sudden idea, if WLD is able to combine with Excel seamless that will be great.

You might ask me again, is there anything which excel is able to do and WLD is not? :) In my understanding, WLD is able to execute strategy dynamically and very efficiently, however for some static result, Excel is better. For example, if I want to test a dataset ranges from 2000-2005, at the end, I can see the performance. Then I want to do a walk forward analysis from 2006-2010, if I don't save the first performance in excel, that means it will be lost. I want to compare both of the performance directly. The second example is, the result of some strategy is a symbol list. I want to see their charts right away, since we are not able to create dataset dynamically, we have to save it first, then come back to check them out.
Yes, I might be able to write programs for doing those. I fully agree. But not everyone is a very efficient programer. Compare with Excel, WLD's efficiency is based on programming. Excel's efficiency is based operation, formulas, and very basic programming.
WLD can easily combine with Excel. For example, two new methods, one is printlist which is print list, second is is printexcel rather than printdebug, if I click the printlist box, the charts can be showed on Excel. If I use printexcel rather than printlist, the result will be export to be excel, even chart. This is from WLD side.
From excel side, for example, an add-in could be developed to connect with WLD, so that we are able to get data from WLD through functions in this add-in on excel. I can input formulas, such as MDD, as maximum drawback for a series of data which represents equity curve.
I might be too chatty. But I wish WL better and better.
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We appreciate your desire to make WL better. However, integrating with Excel - a legacy COM based application - is not exactly "Wealth-Lab way". Architecturally, Wealth-Lab as an application that is highly extensible through addins. Drawing tools, optimizers, visualizers, you name it. We make it better from this perspective.
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I read your reply several time. Yes, I understand it now. I am able to do that by myself!
Thanks so much.
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