When using the pre-programmed Buy at Parabolic Stop/Sell at Parabolic Stop, the program does not allow changing the accel down parameter (it always remains at zero).
How can the Accel Down parameter be adjusted as the Accel Up and Max Accel parameters are adjusted?
Also, the paramters do not show up in the Parameter Window underneath the Data Sets window when running the strategy on an individual stock.
Is there a way to show the current strategy parameters that are currently running in that window?
Thank you,
How can the Accel Down parameter be adjusted as the Accel Up and Max Accel parameters are adjusted?
That looks like some kind of bug. Thanks for reporting. Please create a support ticket.
Is there a way to show the current strategy parameters that are currently running in that window?
Sure, please see Wealth-Lab 5 User Guide, Strategy Window > Strategy Builder > Parameter Sliders for the Strategy Builder.